08 Apr 2021 / News
What has happened in the last months?
In 2019, nobody expected that they would spend most of 2020 working from home and not meet with colleagues and partners. In 2021, this is still the reality. Life is going fast and online. But we shouldn’t forget that a lot has already happened in 2021 and more is yet to come! In a nutshell we show you what AlSiCal has done since the latest newsletter issue:
- In February AlSiCal publicly published its data in the Raw Materials Information System (RMIS), the European Commission’s reference web-based knowledge platform on non-fuel, non-agricultural raw materials from primary and secondary sources. The data will be updated regularly, thanks to our partner HSGME.
- In February, the EC launched the EU Industry Days and Ursula von der Leyen reiterated in her opening speech the importance of criticalraw materials and their central role in future EU policies. Great news for AlSiCal!>> Read the 2021 highlights
- In March, the annual Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) 2021 Convention took place online. The PDAC is the world’s premier mineral exploration and mining Although AlSiCal did not attend this year, we stay up to date on future developments.
- In February and March AlSiCal put on the spotlight its female researchers for celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and the International Women Day. AlSiCal is fully committed to contribute to equality in science, giving women and girls equal rights in both access and participation, and help to further promote gender equality and empowerment of all genders. Within AlSiCal, we highlight this in our Women in Mining series!